
Media Kit
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Marisa Ryan is an internationally recognized Psychic Medium who has hosted and appeared on numerous radio shows across the U.S., Canada, and Europe.
She has been a featured speaker at numerous national conferences as an expert on life after death. She has also been featured in newspaper articles, documentarys and several television appearances.
Marisa's background differs from most paranormal professionals - She did not start out early in life with supernatural abilities. Marisa married in 1987 and has 3 wonderful children. She had a successful career in Sales and Marketing, but found herself quickly changing gears.
In the year 2000, 10 minutes after Thanksgiving dinner and the celebration of her parents 50th wedding anniversary her mother died of a sudden heart attack despite CPR efforts from Marisa. Two days later her 21-year-old niece died in her sleep, in the same house, of unknown causes. Stunned and bewildered, Marisa embarked on a serious quest for answers about life, death, and the unknown. Several years later, her life took a remarkable turn.
In 2002, a young female murder victim appeared to Marisa one night in her home. Not only did this murder victim appear to Marisa, she showed Marisa the gruesome details of her death. After intense pressure from the spirit, Marisa contacted the police department. The details that Marisa provided to the police were so accurate that, initially, the police suspected that Marisa could be involved in the crime.
For months, Marisa worked on the murder case, with the murder victim and the detectives. Since that time, Marisa has worked with Law Enforcement on several cases. Several weeks after her initial psychic encounter, hundreds of spirits began seeking Marisa's help. They appeared in her car, in her home and while she was at work. The word got out about her abilities and people desperate to contact their deceased love ones also began calling Marisa, seeking her help.
Marisa came to terms with her new- found abilities and began helping as many people as she could to make a bridge - communicating between life and death. Within 6 months Marisa found herself appearing monthly on two popular radios shows in Los Angeles, each with between 2-4 million listeners, in which she gave validation and healing messages to listeners' from their deceased loved ones. Marisa immediately established a large clientele across the World, including some of Hollywood's well known celebrities.
In 2005, Marisa founded The Awareness Institute in Corona, California in a 100 year old haunted train. Here she conducts workshops, seminars, spirit circles and retreats for people seeking answers to life's most challenging questions.
Marisa has counseled thousands of people on life, grief, business, and relationship issues, as well as making connections with the spirit world. Marisa's goal is to help as many people as possible gain personal knowledge and understanding to life's questions while traveling on this mysterious journey called Life. Marisa continues everyday to be a complete skeptic and values clear cut evidence of the paranormal. She is a seeker of the truth through her experiences and science. Her belief is to be the change we wish to see in the world and everyday helps people to reach their highest potential. Marisa is funny, down to earth, straight to the point and loves people. She trusts her guidance from God and is grateful for her gift to help others.
The Awareness Institute
Marisa Ryan
Contact through email only: marisaryanmedium@gmail.com